李天路 博士 副教授
2012.09–2016.12,哲学博士,香港大学化学系,导师:李学臣 教授
2008.09–2012.06,理学学士,中国药科大学药学专业,导师:徐云根 教授
2017.01–2018.12,博士后,密西根州立大学化学系,合作导师:黄雪飞 教授
1. 糖蛋白和蛋白聚糖的精准制备新方法和新策略的发展
2. 糖蛋白和蛋白聚糖的结构与功能研究
3. 多肽类药物的化学合成、糖基化修饰及其药效学研究
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,Notch1受体糖蛋白的化学酶法合成及糖基功能研究,2022–2025
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,多配体蛋白聚糖-1及其类似物的化学合成与构效关系研究,2020–2022
3. 国家重点研发计划子课题,活性糖胺聚糖衍生物与糖蛋白类药物的合成生物技术及功效评价和应用,2023–2028
4. 国家重点研发计划子课题,基于成药性特征的微生物天然产物合成生物学创制,2019–2024
5. 山东省高等学校青年创新团队发展计划项目,团队带头人,2023–2026
6. 中国博士后基金面上项目,一等资助
7. 山东省博士后创新项目,二等资助
2015.09,香港大学,Postgraduate Research Seminar Award
1. Li, T.*; Li, T.; Yang, Y.; Zhuang, H.; Lv, J.; Zhou, N.; Zhang, M.; Wang, F.; Geng, Y.; Schmidt, R. R.*; Peng, P.*, Concise Synthesis of Lactococcus garvieae Lipoteichoic Acids Through an Additive-Modulated Preactivation Protocol and the Immunological Studies. CCS Chem. 2024, 6, 403-414.
2. Li, T.*‖; Zhang, M.‖; Lv, P.‖; Yang, Y.; Schmidt, R. R.*; Peng, P.*, Synthesis of Core M3 Matriglycan Constituents via an Additive-Controlled 1,2-cis-Xylopyranosylation with O-Xylosyl Imidates as Donors. J. Org. Chem. 2024, 89, 804-809.
3. Zhuang, H.; Hao, H.; Qiu, Y.; Gan, J.; Li, T.*, Recent Advances in Glycopeptide and Glycoprotein Synthesis: A Refined Synthetic Probe towards the Biological World. Chin. J. Chem. 2023, 41, 2010-2024.
4. Zhang, M.; Li, T.; Peng, P., Recent development in additive modulated stereoselective glycosidation reactions. J. Carbohydr. Chem. 2022, 40, 339-360.
5. Li, T.*; Zhang, Y.; Li, T.; Zhuang, H.; Wang, F.; Wang, N.; Schmidt, R. R.; Peng, P., Divergent Synthesis of Core m1, Core m2 and Core m3 O-Mannosyl Glycopeptides via a Chemoenzymatic Approach. Chin. J. Chem. 2022, 40, 1571-1577.
6. Li, T.*; Li, T.; Zhang, Y.; Schmidt, R. R.*; Peng, P.*, Preparation of Tea Aroma Precursor Glycosides: An Efficient and Sustainable Approach via Chemical Glycosidation. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 2022, 70, 2320-2327.
7. Chao, Q.; Li, T.; Jia, J.-X.; Li, Z.; Peng, P.; Gao, X.-D.*; Wang, N.*, Spore-Encapsulating Glycosyltransferase Catalysis Tandem Reactions: Facile Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Complex Human Glycans. ACS Catal. 2022, 12, 3181-3188.
8. Li, T.‖; Li, T.‖; Zhuang, H.; Wang, F.; Schmidt, R. R.; Peng, P., O-Glycosyl Trichloroacetimidates as Glycosyl Donors and Platinum(IV) Chloride as a Dual Catalyst Permitting Stereo- and Regioselective Glycosidations. ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 10279-10287.
9. Li, T.*; Li, T.; Sun, Y.; Yang, Y.; Lv, P.; Wang, F.; Lou, H.; Schmidt, R. R.*; Peng, P.*, Regioselective Benzoylation of Unprotected β-glycopyranosides with Benzoyl Cyanide and an Amine Catalyst – Application to Saponin Synthesis. Org. Chem. Front. 2021, 8, 260-265.
10. Li, T.; Yang, W.; Ramadan, S.; Huang, X.*, Synthesis of O-Sulfated Human Syndecan-1-like Glyco-polypeptides by Incorporating Peptide Ligation and O-Sulfated Glycopeptide Cassette Strategies. Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 6429-6433.
11. Mohammed, A. S. A.; Tian, W.; Zhang, Y.; Peng, P.; Wang, F.*; Li, T.*, Leishmania Lipophosphoglycan Components: A Potent Target for Synthetic Neoglycoproteins as a Vaccine Candidate for Leishmaniasis. Carbohydr. Polym. 2020, 237, 116120.
12. Ramadan, S.; Li, T.; Yang, W.; Zhang, J.; Rashidijahanabad, Z.; Tan, Z.; Parameswaran, N.; Huang, X.*, Chemical Synthesis and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Bikunin Associated Chondroitin Sulfate 24-mer. ACS Cent. Sci. 2020, 6, 913-920.
13. Wang, X.; Lang, S.; Tian, Y.; Zhang, J.; Yan, X.; Fang, Z.; Weng, J.; Lu, N.; Wu, X.; Li, T.; Cao, H.; Li, Z.; Huang, X.*, Glycoengineering of Natural Killer Cells with CD22 Ligands for Enhanced Anticancer Immunotherapy. ACS Cent. Sci. 2020, 6, 382-389.
14. Li, T.‖; Li, T.‖; Linseis, M.‖; Wang, F.; Winter, R. F.; Schmidt, R. R.*; Peng, P.*, Catalytic Regioselective Benzoylation of 1,2-trans-Diols in Carbohydrates with Benzoyl Cyanide: The Axial Oxy Group Effect and the Action of Achiral and Chiral Amine Catalysts. ACS Catal. 2020, 10, 11406-11416.
15. Li, T. ‖; Li, T. ‖; Cui, T.; Sun, Y.; Wang, F.; Cao, H.; Schmidt, R. R.*; Peng, P.*, Regioselective One-Pot Benzoylation of Triol and Tetraol Arrays in Carbohydrates. Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 3862-3865.
16. Jin, K.; Li, T.; Chow, H. Y.; Liu, H.; Li, X.*, P-B Desulfurization: An Enabling Method for Protein Chemical Synthesis and Site‐Specific Deuteration. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 14607-14611.
17. Liu, M.; Li, M.-D.; Huang, J.; Li, T.; Liu, H.; Li, X.; Phillips, D. L.*, Substituent Effects on the Photodeprotection Reactions of Selected Ketoprofen Derivatives in Phosphate Buffered Aqueous Solutions. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, 21606.
18. Li, T.; Liu, H.; Li, X., Chemical Synthesis of HMGA1a Proteins with Post-translational Modifications via Ser/Thr Ligation. Org. Lett. 2016, 18, 5944-5947.
19. Lee, J. P.; Liu, C.; Li, T.; Zhu, G.; Li, X.*, Development of stapled helical peptides to perturb the Cdt1–Mcm6 interaction. J. Pept. Sci. 2015, 21, 593-598.
20. Wong, C. T. T.; Li, T.; Lam, H. Y.; Zhang, Y.; Li, X.*, Realizing serine/threonine ligation: scope and limitations and mechanistic implication thereof. Front. Chem. 2014, 2.
21.Zhang, Y.; Li, T.; Li, X.*, Synthesis of human growth hormone-releasing hormone via three-fragment serine/threonine ligation (STL). Org. Biomol. Chem. 2013, 11, 5584-5587.
1. Li, T.; Peng, P.; Huang, X., Sulfated Glycoprotein Synthesis. In Chemical Protein Synthesis, Springer US: 2022; pp 1-17.
2. Li, T.; Li, X., Development of Serine/Threonine Ligation and Its Applications. In Chemical Ligation, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: 2017; pp 125-159.
1. 李天路,彭鹏,张由芹,杨跃,王凤山,翟涛,一种N-乙酰基-L-酪氨酰-L-精氨酸十六烷基酯的合成方法,2022-09-30,中国,ZL202110211449.2 (授权专利)
2. 李天路,彭鹏,庄昊儒,李彤,杨跃,一种糖苷化反应催化剂、糖苷化方法和应用,2022-10-18,中国,ZL202110864797.X (授权专利)
3. 李天路,彭鹏,吕盼盼,张苗苗,一种合成α-肌营养不良蛋白聚糖Core M3基质聚糖的方法,2023-9-22,中国,202311234600.X
4. 李天路,彭鹏,杨跃,张由芹,李彤,庄昊儒,一种化学酶法合成α-肌营养不良蛋白聚糖相关糖肽的方法, 2022-04-14, 中国, CN202210389044.2
5. 彭鹏,崔瞳晓,李天路,李彤,孙雅静,一种O-甘露聚糖核心结构的合成方法, 2021-5-25, 中国, ZL201910309945.4 (授权专利)
6. 徐云根,庄毅超,龚国清,李天路,王欣慧,刁小娟,一类具有凝血酶抑制作用的一氧化氮供体,其制法以及医药用途,2012-08-15,中国,ZL201210152246.1 (授权专利)