马再超 博士 副教授
Email: mazc@sdu.edu.cn
2015 理学博士,中国海洋大学海洋生命学院,微生物学专业
2008 工学学士,山东农业大学生命科学院,生物工程专业
2024.9-至今 副教授,山东大学国家糖工程技术研究中心
2015.7-2024.8 助理研究员,山东大学国家糖工程技术研究中心
1. 青岛市关键技术攻关及产业化师范类项目,重要禽病基因工程多联灭活疫苗的研究及产业化子课题,22-3-4-xxgg-1-nsh-1,利用反向遗传基因技术改造禽类病毒,2022/05-2025/5,主持
2. 趋化因子CCL5糖基化异型体的鉴定及定量分析方法研究,山东省博士后创新项目专项,2016/09-2018/09,主持
3. 肿瘤糖蛋白CCL5的精准鉴定及其与硫酸乙酰肝素的作用机制研究,山东省自然科学基金青年基金研究项目,2016/11-2019/06,主持
4. 高效微生物细胞工厂的设计原理与构建方法,国家重点研发计划“绿色生物制造重点专项”,2021YFC2100500,2021/07-2024/06,课题骨干;
5. 非天然噬菌体的设计合成,国家重点研发计划“合成生物学重点专项”,2019YFA0904000,2020/01-2024/12,课题骨干。
1. Wang Q Q, Yang M, Hao J H*, Ma, Z. C*. Direct Isomaltulose Synthesis From Beet Molasses by Immobilized Sucrose Isomerase[J]. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2021, 9. IF=5.89;
2. Chaoyi Song, Ji Luan1, Ruijuan Li, Chanjuan Jiang, Yu Hou, Qingwen Cui1,Tianqi Cui1, Long Tan, Zaichao Ma, Ya-Jie Tang, A. Francis Stewart, Jun Fu,Youming Zhang and Hailong Wang. RedEx: a method for seamless DNA insertion and deletion in large multimodular polyketide synthase gene clusters[J]. Nucleic acids research, 2020, 48(22): e130-e130.
3. K Hansali, P Wang, SF Zhao, ZC Ma, Z Chi, ZM Chi. Overexpression of the pullulan synthetase gene enhanced pullulan production and its molecular weight by a mutant of Aureobasidium melanogenum P16[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 282: 137013.
4. Fu W J, Chi Z, Ma Z C, et al. Hydrocarbons, the advanced biofuels produced by different organisms, the evidence that alkanes in petroleum can be renewable[J]. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 2015, 99: 7481-7494.
5. Ma Z C, Chi Z, Geng Q, et al. Disruption of the pullulan synthetase gene in siderophore-producing Aureobasidium pullulans enhances siderophore production and simplifies siderophore extraction[J]. Process Biochemistry, 2012, 47(12): 1807-1812.
6. Ma Z C, Fu W J, Liu G L, et al. High-level pullulan production by Aureobasidium pullulans var. melanogenium P16 isolated from mangrove system[J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014, 98: 4865-4873.,
7. Ma Z C, Liu N N, Chi Z, et al. Genetic modification of the marine-isolated yeast Aureobasidium melanogenum P16 for efficient pullulan production from inulin[J]. Marine Biotechnology, 2015, 17: 511-522.